Shao En©2023

This website is designed by Shao,
Powered by Framer

Shao En©2023

This website is designed by Shao,
Powered by Framer

Shao En©2023

This website is designed by Shao,
Powered by Framer


Vertex Glasswork


Lead Designer

Project Type

Brand Identity

Package Design


Vertex Glasswork


Graphic Designer

Project Type

Brand Identity

Package Design


Vertex Glasswork


Lead Designer

Project Type

Brand Identity

Package Design

Vertex Glassworks is passionate about creating beautiful and unique glass pieces. With a focus on quality and craftsmanship, they strive to add a touch of elegance to a space, whether it’s a custom piece or a large order for a special occasion.

Glass can be shaped into any form without limitation and possesses the unique ability to manipulate the light that passes through it. With this concept in mind, I designed the visual elements of the packaging to showcase the coexistence of light and glasswork.

Vertex Glassworks 熱衷於創作美麗獨特的玻璃製品。他們專注於品質和工藝,品牌宗旨一直是致力於創造為空間增添一絲優雅的氛圍卻不搶戲玻璃製品,不論是定制品還是為特殊場合提供的大宗訂單。
